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Night Sky with Stars

On this page, you will find Multi-session plans that are designed for people who want to work together for more than one session. These plans are extremely beneficial for those who want to develop a comprehensive plan and make bigger strides in their self-discovery journey.

As a practitioner, I strongly recommend signing up for the 1 on 1 guidance and coaching, as it will give us enough time and space to dive deeper and help you achieve your goals more effectively. This is especially true for other practitioners who are looking to work together.

If you are interested in seeing individual services, please check out the "Guidance and Energy Work" tab.

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Lets Dive Deeper

ways to get more out of your sessions

  • Meditation Class

    This is a plan for those who want to join the meditation group. Daily and weekly meditations
    Valid for one week
    • Daily Meditation Monday - Friday Sent out daily AM
    • Weekly theme and reminders for mindfulness throug your day
    • Daily Discussion on meditation
    • Daily Insights on making meditation more effective
    • Access to 1 live meditation class per week
    • Quesions answered about personal meditation experiences
  • 4 Weekly 1 on 1 Guidance Sessions

    This is for those who want to work on things long term. Dive into the deeper aspects of reality.
    Valid for 4 weeks
    • 4 1 on 1 Sessions (1 session per week)
    • Email Updates twice a week
    • Questions answered from Higher self and spiritual intuition
    • Connect with Spirit guides and talk to get clarity
    • 1 energetic grid (for your specific purpose)
  • Best Value

    1 on 1 Guidance/Coaching/Energy work

    Coaching Based on your Higher self and Spirit Guides plus anything you would like to work on.
    Valid for 4 weeks
    • General Consultation to discuss the Coaching and Guidance
    • 4 1 on 1 calls with Coaching Included
    • Basic and Advanced Techniques for better Mindfulness
    • Mantras from your Higher Self and Spirit Guides
    • Advanced Energy Field Protection For Duration of Coaching
    • 1 Section(upper/lower/core) Grid Reset
    • E-mail updates twice a week for questions and clarification
    • Energy Field Cleansing
    • Tips to connect with Higher Self and Spirit Guides
    • Temporary Home protection for certain periods of coaching
    • Wrap up call to Go over everything learned and future plans
    • 3 Energetic Grids per need/want
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